Contact Us
If you would like any further information about this site, any of the cats on it, or a future kitten purchase, please contact us by filling out the information below.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have. We also accept requests to be placed on a waiting list for kittens. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with our contract. We ask that you provide as much detail as possible about yourself as well as what you are looking for in a kitten, in your email. The more information that is provided, the more educated we will be, ensuring that our babies go to the best forever homes for both our babies and our kitty parents.
If you send us an email and do not hear back from us within 24 hours, then chances are that your email did not go through or got stuck somewhere in our SPAM folder.
If you do not hear from us, please call us at 508-813-6411 or 508-813-3509.
You can also text us at 508-813-6411. When texting, please state your full name,
name of kitten, and name of kitten's mum if applicable. Thanks!
Please note:
Unless it is an emergency, we respectfully ask that you text or phone us
after 2:00pm EST. Our kitties are our first priority, and mornings are for the care of our beautiful cats and kittens. Emails can be sent at any time, but we will not view them or send a reply until after 2:00pm.
We are always here for your questions and concerns...If you have an emergency, please contact us anytime. If you have general questions or would like to schedule an interview, and would like to contact us, please do so AFTER 2:00pm. We are simply too busy with kittens and cleaning in the morning to answer
the phone/texts. Thanks.