How Does Your Adoption Process Work?
We interview all prospective parents . Why? I’m glad you asked. Because WE care where the kittens go and what kind of people are going to be looking after them for the rest of their lives. We do this with every baby before accepting any deposit. Because we love our kittens ...After a parent has been approved, that’s when you send your adoption agreement. We will call you when we receive the adoption agreement, you're always in the loop, no games or drama . Now that you're on the Willetteragdol waiting list, the wait for your kitten is usually around six months .... sorry we are not a kitten mill. Promise we are worth the wait ....When your name comes up on our wait list, we will send you several videos of the kittens that we have available. You can choose from the kittens we have available or you could pass and wait for the next litter. Totally up to the parent . We want to make you happy ....Please keep in mind that parents who request a certain sex and color could take several litters in order to get what you are requesting. However, we do very our best . We have no control of how many kittens in a litter, sex of the babies or the colors coats. For example my Kimberly first litter , she had five bicolors , only one looked like her and the dad Jonclaude. Next litter the babies were all blues. We have no idea what god will give us . One of our queen's last litters, she had all different colors . We have had litters of all girls, all boys, one girl, even litters with no females at all. Ragdolls are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gunna get. Very cute , blue eyed , pointed chocolates lol... So now you have chosen your baby, congratulations.... we will give you just a few days to name your baby. Weekly photos start coming once a parent has chosen their baby. We will also send you a photo in between by request, (after 1pm please) ... Now, when your kitten is approximately 7-8 weeks old, your baby will get his/her first shot. At this time, we also make the appointment for your baby's spay /neuter with our surgeon. We will let you know when that will happen weeks before the actual date. Your kitten will be spayed/neutered by our surgeon around 12 weeks. Your baby will also receive their second booster shot at this time. Surgery date is up to the availability of our surgeon. We will call you on surgery day so you won’t worry and set up pick up day and time at that time. Parents receive weekly photos once they have chosen their baby. Also, parents receive updates and are told of milestones along the way. All medical records are given to our parents and copy of the lab work on parent pick up day. Our parents are in the loop at all times. Just before your baby leaves us for their forever home, she / he will write a letter to you in the first person. Yes we know it’s silly, but we try to make our adoption fun and educational. You will be told what food your baby likes, what kind of litter she uses, even his favorite toy if your baby has a favorite. We now also have ragdoll cat approved large litters boxes available for purchase to our parents as well. Your kitten leaves with all of their paperwork.
Rick and I are available for questions for the life of your kitty after 1 PM PLEASE, seven days a week. If an emergency ever arises we are available to our parent 24 hours, seven days a week. When you adopt a Willetteragdol Kitten, you are part of our extended family. Most questions that you may have are covered on our website in our FAQ's section, along with a list of things your baby needs under the tab “babies wish list” on our website. Please read our website before calling us for your interview. We are sorry about our waiting list. We promise you will be happy in the end . All kittens are socialized to perfection... Rick and I spend hundreds of hours with our kittens laying a foundation for the life of your beautiful fur kid. We believe kittens who are special will be cherished and therefore hopefully the parent will take extra care of our precious little ones ❤️
Love & peace
Bette and Jake