FAQ for Potential Breeders
Please note: this page is for Ragdoll TICA Breeders, NOT people wanting to purchase a pet kitten.
Do you sell Breeder kittens?
Yes. We sell kittens to be used as breeders to approved family breeders who share our values. All of our breeder kittens will be sired by our very own Maurice. Any breeder who wishes to receive a Willetteragdol kitten must be interviewed thoroughly and be approved by Willetteragdol.
Why should I buy a Willetteragdol kitten? Is there anything included with the price of my kitten?
At Willetteragdol, we do not cut corners when it comes to our kittens. Our kittens and cats come first, plain and simple. Included in the cost of your kitten, you will not only receive a healthy, well-socialized, beautiful kitten, you will also receive the following:
• Genetic testing of all of our adult cats.
• First two age appropriate shots.
• A copy of the lab slip proving that your kitten is parasite free. There should be NO NEED to give your kitten de-worming medication. If your vet insists, please ask them to retest your kitten before administering any unnecessary medication.
• A show-quality bath and nail trim before you pick them up.
• Once you have chosen your kitten, you will receive weekly photos, videos, and updates so you can follow along with your new baby's progress and growth. We love to show them off! They're just too cute!
• First month of pet insurance FREE through Trupanion.
• We will provide you with all feeding information so that you can continue to feed your new baby their current diet. We will also provide you with the type of litter we have found works best with your kitten.
• Most importantly, your kitten has been socialized to perfection by our family. They even sleep with us! We believe in giving you not just a pet, we want to give you a new member of the family.
• Support for the lifetime of your new kitten! We at Willetteragdol will always be here for you, for the life of your baby. Once you become a Willetteragdol parent, you are one of the family!
Do you require a down payment?
WilletteRagdol requires a $500 non-refundable deposit per breeder kitten.
This is a common practice with all US breeders. Payment for breeder kittens is due in full two weeks before day of pick-up. Cash or bank check only for deposits. We only accept cash on pick-up day. Please note: once you do choose a kitten, your deposit becomes non-refundable and non-transferable.
Do your kittens come with a pedigree?
There is no reason for any reputable breeder to sell pure-bred kittens without papers. Beware of breeders that try to sell "Bargain Ragdoll Kittens" without papers. They have no papers because they are most likely not pedigree cats. ​Our kittens come from Supreme Grand Champion Bloodlines. WIlletteRagdol kittens are all registered TICA kittens. A pedigree is available on request of the kitten's parent for an additional $50.00 per kitten. (TICA charges $25 for the pedigree and we charge $25 for the huge amount of time it takes to submit and request a pedigree.)
Are you, as a breeder available for consult for the life of the cat?
​We at WilletteRagdol are always here to answer questions and concerns for the life of your cat, and after.
If my kitten develops an illness after bringing it home, will Willetteragdol pay the bill?
​Willetteragdol is responsible for treatment and prevention of all genetic Ragdoll diseases. Under contract, all parents and breeders are responsible for bringing their new kitten to their own veterinarian within 72 hours of leaving our cattery. All of our kittens are seen at least three times and are certified by our veterinarian to be healthy before they are allowed to leave our cattery. Willetteragdol is not responsible for illnesses that may occur after leaving our cattery. Illnesses, allergies, fleas, and other similar occurrences will not be covered by Willetteragdol. All of our kittens are free of parasites and disease when they leave for their new homes. Please be mindful when exposing new kittens to existing pets as the existing pets may be carrying illnesses, etc. that you may not be aware of.
What are PKD1 and HCM?​
PKD: Polycystic Kidney Disease is a disease in which a large number of fluid filled cysts form in the kidneys. These cysts are present from birth in affected cats. They start off very small, gradually increasing in size until they affect the surrounding normal kidney tissue, causing kidney failure and death.
Polycystic Kidney Disease is an inherited disease in cats. Most breeders are aware of this potential problem for their cats and test their cats for the presence of the disease before using them for breeding.
HCM: HCM is a horrible and very unfortunate condition which is common with the Ragdoll breed. In it's most severe form, most cats will not live past 2 years of age. Cats diagnosed with this defective gene could potentially collapse and die at any time. They will also pass this defective gene on to their offspring.
Ensure that potential breeders test all breeding cats for PKD and HCM. Please do not consider buying a cat if this test has not been done. The DNA test for Ragdolls is inexpensive and non-invasive for the cat. If a breeder has not tested their cats, this should signal a huge red flag! Any responsible breeder will be more than happy to show you the test results for their cats.
Are your breeder cats DNA tested for PKD1 and HCM?
​PKD1 is a test to determine if there is a hereditary kidney defect. HCM is used to test for a hereditary heart defect. WiletteRagdol tests for both.
Have the kittens been fecal tested for parasites?
​Yes. All kittens should be tested for Giardia and Coccidia. These are both parasites that lay in the colon and cause horrible diarrhea, which can be lethal for a young kitten. WiletteRagdol tests for both.
Do you test for Feline Leukemia and Feline AIDS?
​Yes. All of our kitty parents are tested for both Feline Leukemia and AIDS
Does your stud cat(s) live in a cage?
No. Absolutely not. Our current stud cat, Jon Claude, not only has his own bedroom to spend his nights in, he also has his own wardrobe! His wardrobe consists of kitty "Stud Suits" that are made by our friend at www.meowwear.com. These specially made suits allow our precious boy to be able to socialize with our other cats and family during the day. At night, he retires to his bedroom where he can remove his suit and relax like the bachelor that he is.
At what age do you release your kittens?
​Kittens should not be released before they are 12-14 weeks of age. They need
that time to bond with their mother and siblings. WilletteRagdol releases our
kittens at 12-14 weeks, making sure they are all up to date on their shots.
Are you a cage-less cattery?
​WIlletteRagdol is a cage-less cattery. Kittens are raised underfoot with kids, family commotion and a wonderful cat-loving dog. This ensures that your kitten will be
well-adjusted, friendly and not the least bit skittish.
Do you show your cats?
​No, not at this time. We take pride in having a closed cattery, which means we do not take our cats out of the cattery unless it is an absolute emergency. We do our best not expose our cats to unfamiliar four-legged friends who could pass along harmful bacteria or viruses. Shows are wonderful, but we believe that the risk of spreading a kitty illness is much too high for our liking, especially when they could potentially bring something home and spread it to our babies. The health of our cats is our number one priority. We even have our own licensed veterinarian who comes to our cattery to perform our babies' first physicals and inoculations. Some breeders will perform their own medical (shots, etc.), we prefer to leave that to a licensed veterinarian. The health of our people family comes first as well...we have an ailing family member under our care and he cannot be left alone. This makes it extremely difficult for both of us to be gone at the same time, which we would need to do if we decided to show our cats. As we said, family (both 4-footed and human) comes first with us, so we will not be showing anytime in the near future.
Are your kittens up to date on shots?
Yes. All kittens receive two rounds of shots. Even our pet cats and our dog, Max are kept up to date on all current inoculations.
Do you Blood Type your cats in case of emergencies?
​Yes. You never know when an emergency will arise, so we cross-type all of our parent cats. In the unlikely event that a blood transfusion is ever needed, we will not have to waste precious time waiting to find out if there is a match available. We will already know which of our cats are a match. Most veterinarians have to send the blood out for testing, which can take hours. In the event of an emergency, this is often time that cannot afford to be wasted. The health and well-being of our cats and kittens is, and always will be, our top priority.
What kind of guarantee do you offer with your kittens?
WilletteRagdol guarantees the health of our breeder kittens for the first three years of it's life. All of our cat parents are guaranteed to be free of hereditary defects. We guarantee healthy, happy well-adjusted purring machines! We do not guarantee for Pyo.
I put down a deposit and am on the waiting list. If I pass on a kitten or two, and the price increases in the interim, do I still get my kitten for the original, lower price?
No. Please see our "Willetteragdol Deposit Agreement". The price of your kitten is the price that is in effect on the day you pick it up. We do not raise our prices often, and only when necessary to keep up with rising vet costs, etc. If you are put on our wait list and pass on an available kitten or two, that is your choice. However, we cannot guarantee pricing over 6 months.
How much do you charge for your breeder kittens?
Please contact us for prices on potential breeder kittens.
Why do I have to sign a contract?
​Contracts are very commonplace among reputable breeders. This ensures the safety of our beautiful babies. Contracts are an added insurance that our furry babies will be cared for correctly, ie: agreeing to not declaw, agreeing to keep the cats inside and making sure that they visit the vet regularly.
When it comes time to choose my kitten,
can I choose via FaceTime?
Yes, absolutely!
Do you give discounts?
​No, we do not give discounts. We work very hard to ensure that our kittens are raised in an environment that is clean and conducive to raising healthy, happy, and well-adjusted babies. This takes more time, energy and money than you could ever imagine. Add in to that the cost for vet visits, proper nutritious food and shots, and you'd be shocked to find out how much money we, as breeders, do NOT make.
Do you show your cats?
​No, not at this time. We take pride in having a closed cattery, which means we do not take our cats out of the cattery unless it is an absolute emergency. We do our best not expose our cats to unfamiliar four-legged friends who could pass along harmful bacteria or viruses. Shows are wonderful, but we believe that the risk of spreading a kitty illness is much too high for our liking, especially when they could potentially bring something home and spread it to our babies. The health of our cats is our number one priority. We even have our own licensed veterinarian who comes to our cattery to perform our babies' first physicals and inoculations. Some breeders will perform their own medical (shots, etc.), we prefer to leave that to a licensed veterinarian. The health of our people family comes first as well...we have an ailing family member under our care and he cannot be left alone. This makes it extremely difficult for both of us to be gone at the same time, which we would need to do if we decided to show our cats. As we said, family (both 4-footed and human) comes first with us, so we will not be showing anytime in the near future.
What do you feed?
This can vary from litter to litter with wet food. Please contact us if you have concerns and we will gladly tell you what each litter is eating for wet food. As for dry food, we are feeding Wellness Grain Free For Kittens.